Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dress Rehearsals

As the time for performing our P1 - 6 Christmas production is drawing near, intensive rehearsing is well under way... The S2 drama class have been enjoying working with the primary in both acting and backstage areas and have taken on their responsibilities well. All the children involved are working very hard to learn lines, songs and dances for their roles in the play. We are looking forward to performing it and we hope you enjoy watching it too!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

S2 & S3/4 drama students took a trip to the Theatre Royal on Thursday 11th to see Scottish Ballet perform Sleeping Beauty. Not many of the pupils had been to see a ballet before so it was quite an experience for everyone! In particular, the costumes were spectacular and the scenery very cleverly constructed. Some interesting facts we discovered about the production were that, despite all looking no older than 25, the oldest performer was actually over 40 years old and all the dancers know at least 3 or 4 different roles so they can swap round characters for each performance.