Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mask making

S1 have been using experimenting with construction methods and using different media in art - they have been working with plastic, card, foam, tape, wire and mod roc to make masks for our design project. Scott, who has just joined the class, has been practising his observational drawing skills and has done a great drawing of a model ship. Here are some pictures of them all working:

Monday, May 11, 2009

P3/4 Sign language

For the 10th Anniversary night, we are performing the song "Can you hear me?" by Bob Chilcot. It is a song about a deaf child's experiences of the world and of communicating them to others. A small group will be singing the song and P3/4 girls will be signing it at the performance.

I have recorded the first verse with signing for the children to work on at home. I have recorded myself doing it with the opposite hand to what it should be so that the children just need to copy exactly what they see and do not need to reverse it themselves!

Here are the words to help you:

I look around me as I grow
I'd like to tell you all I know
I see life with all it's energy
The city streets, the rush of time
This is my world, it's where I like to be
So much to see, so much to find
I sometimes sit and wait a while
I see the sun, it makes me smile

Can you see it?
Can you see it too?
Can you see it?
Can you see it too?

I will record the remaining 2 verses in due course.

Good luck!

Street Child

S2 drama students have begun working on their 2nd extract for their Theatre Production Skills unit - it is from a play set in Victorian times called "Street Child".

Last week we were beginning to source suitable costumes for the characters - Lara is Ma who is very sick and near deaths door, Scott, Beth and Chloe are her 3 children and Alexander is the nasty landlord Mr Spink who is about to throw the poor family out into the street...

Au Revoir...

We had our last ever S3/4 drama class on Wednesday last week. They have all worked well over these last two years and each one has greatly improved their skills. After their successful, assessed performance of a modified version of "An Inspector Calls" last term, all that remains is the exam.... Good Luck!!

Folios away!

S3/4/5 have now completed all work on their art folios! Each pupil completed an expressive folio and a design folio and these have now been packaged up and collected for marking by SQA.

Before they went we had an art exhibition of all their work...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

S1 Design

S1 artists have been working on a mask design project this term. They have now decided on their final ideas and are beginning to try to make them. They are using plastic masks as a base and adding foam, card and wire as is needed. They will then cover them with papier mache to make them more robust. 

P.S. Kerr is the pupil hiding under the box - his mask is based on a robot and the box will be the shape of the robot's head. He was just trying to gauge where the position of the eyes would be...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Inverclyde Kidney Support Group Competition

Over the past few weeks P7 and S1 have been participating in a competition set by Inverclyde Kidney Support Group.
The group, which offers support to people in Inverclyde who are affected by kidney disease, set us a competition to design a poster to advertise their monthly meetings. P7 and S1 did this in their computing periods and the results are just in!
The support group will display the poster in various locations throughout the area. The winners will also receive gift vouchers and a framed copy of the poster.
So.... congratulations to.... Melissa McNeal and Nico Medinelli, who together designed the winning entry.
Well done!

Mr J :)

Anarchy in S2!

S2 have been examining why we have laws.... today, we imagined that we had just bought an island ro £5million... The pupils had to come up with 10 laws they wanted to be in place on their island, and suitable punishments for peoplewho broke them.

Among their ideas were:

1. Everyone has a right to freedom of speech. If someone stops someone having this right then they are not allowed to speak for two years!

2. No cannibals! Punishment for cannibalism: starve to death in a cell under ground.

3. No murder. if you are giulty of murder, you must go t jail for LIFE, and life means life!

4. Free Health care for everyone, however old or young or rich or poor you are.

5. No making, dealing or taking drugs. Anyone found guilty of any of these should be imprisoned for 40 years.

The class felt very strongly about lots of issues- our current unit on Crime and the Law in Society is proving to be very interesting.