Friday, December 18, 2009

Fitness Challenge 2009

Today 20 children from S2-4 opted to take part in this years fitness challenge at the Waterfront gym. The children were started in pairs and accompanied by an adult on a fairly gruelling fitness circuit. They have been training for today over the past term and performed very well on the day. We were delighted by how hard they worked, their times and by the number who were very keen to participate in what was an optional activity.The course was as follows:

1km run on the treadmill
1km cycle
500m row
50 box steps with weights
30 lateral pull-downs with a 20kg weight.

The children were observed by a teacher or gym staff member all the way round and timed.

Kyle won a months free membership of the gym for gaining the fastest time by any boy. Beth won the same for the girls and Alexander won a gym bag and water bottle as he came second with a time which was just a fraction slower than Kyle.

All participants will also receive a brick for their house.

Well done to all!

Mr J :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

BC Drama Success!!

On Friday morning, the Primary school were wonderfully entertained by the Broader Curriculum dramatists, who performed their play, The Thingumybob! The group did so well, they were asked by the Primary school to do it al again! The group have worked really hard, learning lines, improving performance and encouraging one another! congratulations to everyone- this has been a very popular option and we'll definitely do drama in BC again!