Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Broader Curriculum! - Sculpture

This term one of our broader curriculum choices is a block of sessions looking at sculpture. We will be working with a wide variety of materials and coming up with some exciting results!
The first day we brought in some 'junk' from the recycling bin and  modelled our own characters.
We also discussed and set our targets for the series of sessions:

At the end of the block we want to be able to say:

I can:

1. work with different materials.

2. use different ways of joining materials.

3. name some various sculptures.

4. name some modern sculptors.

It looks like we are going to have a great few weeks! Check out the blog to follow our progress!

Mr J :)


Anonymous said...

I really like Sculpture! -Nathan :)

Anonymous said...

I am part of the sculpture in Broader Curriculum and I think that it is really good.

Christopher P7

Anonymous said...

It was so fun doing sculpting

Daria P.7