Sunday, March 29, 2009

Secondary Fitness Challenge!

On Friday, at the Greenock Waterfront gym, S2-5 put themselves through a punishing challenge which they have been training for in P.E sessions over this term.
The fitness challenge involved a time circuit of various fitness machines. The children were each accompanied all the way by a member of staff to time and encourage them. The challenge was as follows:

1km on the treadmill
1km on the upright bike
1km on the rowing machine (500m for the girls)
20 lateral pull downs (20kg - boys, 10kg - girls)
50 box-steps

The time started on the first machine and stopped after the last box-step. There were various awards but the main prize was for the fastest boy and fastest girl. These were won by Stephen Thomson S5, and Beth Millar S2.
Both Stephen and Beth received a 3 month 'top-deck' gym membership and a gym bag full of goodies from Inverclyde Leisure.
Well done to all who took part and many thank to all the staff at Inverclyde Leisure!
Next year we will be trying to encourage some parents to take part!

Mr J:)

1 comment:

Primary 2/3 Class Blog said...

Well done to all who competed in the fitness challenge. I was very impressed with all who took part. A fantastic effort.