Thursday, February 19, 2009

Broader Curriculum - Curling!

This term we have just started an new block of our hugely popular 'Broader Curriculum' activities. These involve children in P7/S1 and this term we are either designing and cooking our own soups or trying a spot of curling.
Yesterday was the first try of curling for many of the children who have chosen it and we got on really well. We were at the Waterfront ice rink and had our first curling lesson. The children were practising 'sliding out' and learning about the curling stones which are made from ailsa craig granite. As you can see it was a very successful first session and we look forward to celebrating the progress we will all make over the next 6 weeks!

Mr J :)


Anonymous said...

hope you all enjoy it i remember when i did curling when i was school it was great fun


Anonymous said...

On Wednesday we went curling and I really enjoyed it. The only bit that went wrong was when we were learning to slide I let go of my stone when I wasn`t supposed to!