Monday, October 6, 2008

Police in Modern Studies

S3/4 are working hard in Modern Studies, leading up to their second end of module test. We are coming to the end of our unit on Crime and the Law in Scotland, and this week we are focusing on the different methods used by the police to combat crime.

Megan: The police combat crime by large operation such as the Spotlight initiative, which tackles low level crimes like vandalism.

Daniel: The police have different types of officers to combat different types of crime. For example, beat police, mounted police and police on bikes! There were police on bikes last night on the esplanade, keeping an eye on things whilst the QE2 was sent off.

Jess: Pro-active policing aims to keep one step ahead of the criminal.

Robyn: Crimes can be prevented as well if local citizens know their local police officers by their first names.

Deborah: The police are trying to attract officers to the from ethnic backgrounds in answer to racism allegations.

Here are the class working co-operatively to prepare presentations which they will give to the rest of the class.

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