Friday, October 3, 2008

Theatre Arts

As part of the Theatre Production Skills unit in Int 1 Drama, S3/4 have been looking at different theatre arts. This week we looked at some basic make-up effects - of a ghostly nature... We are looking at a short extract from the start of Hamlet at the moment, in particular the part where the ghost appears to the sentinels who are guarding the castle. We will be making use of these effects to enhance our performance of the extract.

Here is what they have to say:

"I thought Jessica did me up very realistically... for a ghost!" - Hannah

"I liked putting the make up on Hannah because it was interesting to see how it looked and the different effects." - Jessica

"I thoroughly enjoyed doing it - it was very enjoyable and a new way of learning." - Gabriella

"It was fun and exciting - Ella was very gentle! She was very good at putting it on and she took it very seriously." - Deborah


Jennifer Offord said...

I hope I don't meet any of you on a dark night!

Anonymous said...

you guys look cool