Thursday, October 2, 2008

Persequor Ad Bravium

Last week, some of the teachers spent the day at the Learning and Teaching Scotland Annual COnference at the SECC in Glasgow.

We attended seminars and keynote speeches on the curriculum for Excellence and its development in schools across Scotland. We heard from the government, from HMIe, and from educational entrepeneurs. The day was extremely interesting, and encouraging for us, because we are definitely getting it right here in Cedars! Our Broader Curriculum afternoons, primary trips, the extra PE and Music we do, our focus on pupils as individuals, our commitment to providing a first class eduction that equips each pupil with the skills they need to achieve their potential, and much more, encapsulates the Curriculum for Excellence vision.


Andrew Jewell said...

You certainly got to sit beside a very handsome man!
Seriously - I agree, the course was very helpful and I think we were all encouraged that we are heading in the right direction.

Mr J :)

Anonymous said...

I went to this as well and I think that it was great.

Christopher P7