Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stage directions

In S2 drama we have been learning about directing, the areas of the stage and notation for stage directions. As you can see everyone is having fun!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Myers-Briggs Training

This week our staff undertook some Myers-Briggs personality indicator inservice training. The results will enable us to work more effectively as a team and also impact on our understanding of teaching and learning styles in our various classrooms. Ms Jane Buchta visited the school to conduct the inservice. It was very much enjoyed by all staff and we look forward to the follow-up sessions.

Secondary Boys Fitness

This term the older boys P.E sessions on Friday afternoons have been a variety of fitness classes and activities at the Waterfront gym near the school. The boys are split into two groups which swap after approximately 10 minutes. One group does a varied circuit of exercises which strengthen and tone a variety of muscles and the other group is working the cardiovascular system on one of the pieces of gym equipment.
Now you can see why we all look so tired at the school gate on a Friday afternoon. What a way to start a weekend!

Mr J :)


This term in P.E we have been looking at games skills with the girls in P5-S1. Usually in P.E we begin with a warm up and then a stretch off. This warms up our muscles and should hopefully minimise the risk of pulled muscles and injuries! Then we have a spell where we look at specific skills and try to develop these. Finally, we finish by testing and developing these skills in a game situation. In P.E we can use video technology to help us look at our own performance and to assess the performance and improvement of our peers. Here are a few examples to illustrate a P.E lesson.


Stretch off!

Skills practice.

Skill development game.

Mr J :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Big Book Bank

The Big Book Bank is an initiative run by Waterstone's.  If you bring in a book from home that you have read and enjoyed, we will add it to the school's Big Book Bank.  You will be given a sticker on which to write a short review of the book and this will be put inside the front cover of the book.  In return, you will get a voucher from Waterstone's for a free book.  They've got a selection of 12 titles for you to choose from- you're sure to find something that will appeal.

But, that's not all!  Not to be outdone by Waterstone's, Cedars School of Excellence will give you a brick on the wall if you contribute a book to the Big Book Bank- you can't say we're not good to you!  

This offer is open to all pupils in P.5/6 to S.2.  Just make sure you check with your parents before donating a book.  If you don't want to part from the book for good, then you can just lend it to the library until Christmas and that still gives people a chance to read it.

Oliver Bath was the first pupil to hand in a book: the delightfully named 'Horrid Henry's Nits'!  Well done and thank you, Oliver! 

Check out the website for more information:http://www.thebigbookbank.co.uk/

Looking forward to your donations.

Mrs C

Monday, September 22, 2008

Artyplum! Enterprise

In S3/4 this year we are setting up our own company. This will be a genuine company and will produce a variety of art connected products to sell at as wide a range of outlets as possible. We have named our company 'artyplum' and in the weeks and months ahead we will be setting up a website where you will be able to buy our products. We will also have a stall at the craft fair being held in the school in November. There you will be able to buy a range of Fairtrade products, including these Peruvian musical instruments, and our exclusive christmas cards. Please watch the blog for further details. At the end of the school year all the profits we make will go to a school for aids orphans in Nairobi, Kenya.

'artyplum' S3/4

Cedars School Council Elections

As part of our Modern Studies course in S2, we are running the School Council Elections. On Thursday 2nd October, the whole school, pupils and staff, will vote for their choice of Head Boy, Head Girl, and house Captains for their house. Before Thursday, there is a lot to do! Polling booths to make, ballot boxes to make, ballot papers to be designed, application forms to create, liaising with Mrs Speirs re: organisation on the day....

Here are S2 hard at work!

Netball Night!!

Last Thursday, pupils, teachers and Friends of Cedars School joined forces for a friendly net ball tournament. All the pupils who came played exceptionally well, and it's great to see our older girls becoming superb sports women, and developing outstanding team and leadership skills.

Well done girls!

Deathly Vote

Following the Death Penalty Debate in Modern STudies and our poll here on the blog, Mr Creighton's Maths class have used the data to produce this pie chart... What do you think of the results?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Parents Information Evening

Tonight we held our parents information evening. It was a really enjoyable night and a great opportunity to meet with parents and discuss the current exciting moves in Scottish Education.
Than you all for coming!

Mrs Speirs and all the staff

We Got Rhythm!

Tomorrow (Thursday) we are going to be looking in more depth at rhythm in music. Rhythm is not only part of the music played by a band or an orchestra but is made of the little sounds that we hear around us all the time, every day.
Next week we will be revising our samba band - only this time with everyday objects. If the children could choose and bring in something to play that would be great. Pots and pans welcome!

:) Mr J

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Art history

Studying art history forms a third of the art and design course at Intermediate 1 and 2. We have begun looking at movements from Neo-Classicism to Modernism and are going to focus on Cubism, Surrealism and Post-Impressionism.

School photograph!

As you can see from the photos, the weather was against us... The photographer assured us that you won't be able to see the rain in the official photograph.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Our Broader Curriculum afternoons are going really well! Whilst the fishers were busy catching trout, Cedars School Ground Force were had at work clearing the school garden in preparation for Mrs Offord's Science Projects... We used shovels, picks, hoes and rakes, and a lot of elbow grease! With help from Ally Wells, farmer, animal behaviourist and cousin of Jenny and Christopher Scholes, we dug up some BIG roots, cleared away leaves, branches, weeds, and thoroughly turned the soil over. Finally, we laid the membrane we bought last week at Cardwell Garden Centre.

A successful afternoon, and a LOT of fun!!