Wednesday, September 10, 2008


S2 - S5 girls are doing a course of Body Combat at the Waterfront on Tuesday mornings. The work out's are intense and our trainer strict! some of the most gentille ladies amongst us are fast becoming combat experts, and anyone who thought that our netball sessions last year were hard is now learning the REAL meaning of hard! Look at the photos here to see what we're learning to do! 





Andrew Jewell said...

This looks great. I hope it doesn't mean the girls will be more aggressive though! They come back having really enjoyed the session. I wonder if Miss rukin is enjoying it as much?

Mr J:)

Anonymous said...

These pictures look great Miss Rukin !!!!!
I really love doing BODY COMBAT but its tiring at the end !! :D
we're all so GREAT AT IT !!!!
can't wait till we do it again !


Chloe. XxxX.:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

Well girls I must remember not to fall out with you.
Mrs Speirs

Anonymous said...

I would not want to fall out with you!

james p7

Anonymous said...

Body Combat looks really fun but tiring! Can't wait till we do it next year!

Lauren (: