Monday, September 22, 2008

Artyplum! Enterprise

In S3/4 this year we are setting up our own company. This will be a genuine company and will produce a variety of art connected products to sell at as wide a range of outlets as possible. We have named our company 'artyplum' and in the weeks and months ahead we will be setting up a website where you will be able to buy our products. We will also have a stall at the craft fair being held in the school in November. There you will be able to buy a range of Fairtrade products, including these Peruvian musical instruments, and our exclusive christmas cards. Please watch the blog for further details. At the end of the school year all the profits we make will go to a school for aids orphans in Nairobi, Kenya.

'artyplum' S3/4


Anonymous said...

Cool! I want one of those instruments! -Nathan :)

Anonymous said...

Those instruments look really cool where can i get one

lauren s1 XxX